Using jQuery Plugin (nivoSlider & accordian tested) with embedded video

Using jQuery Plugin (nivoSlider & accordian tested) with embedded video


I'm a relative newcomer to jQuery (and for that matter an inexperienced web builder) but I've really enjoyed using the jQuery UI and plugins as I work to redo my site.

My problem is this. My site includes many video progressive download files. I have tried to combine either jQuery UI (Accordian) or a plugin (nivoSlider) (not both at the same time) with a video embed using SWFObject.

For some reason the combination cause my video playback to stutter.

Here are two test pages. They access they same mp4 files but in Test_1 I have disabled the nivoSlider js. The videos playback smoothly in Test_1 but in Test_2 the playback stutters.

Frankly I'm code challenged but I cannot seem to figure out what the conflict is. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
